The thing I look forward to most- post birth


The thing I am most looking forward to after my daughter is born, is the ability to have normal, non-pregnant sex! It has been so frustrating these last few months trying to find new, interesting ways to go at it. For the first five months of my pregnancy the husband was in a moon boot so we were restricted to doggy (with his feet hanging off the bed) or me on top. And I hate being on top. Now my belly is too big for being on top. Spooning sex is possible, but I feel like all he sees is a bloated carcus while I lay there trying not to throw up from the indigestion. So again, doggy is all there is. He hasn't gone down on me in forever because I'm rocking a 70's fro down there and don't like the thought of him having to trawl through some serious jungle to do the job...and the gas. The second I lay on my back it's like the baby finds where my body is storing a fart and squishes it out. I cried the other night because I'm so over this frustration. I needed to whinge to my fellow preggos because as a man, he doesn't quite understand how frustrating it is!