Should it be legal to pay organ donors?

Annika • Witch🌜Gamer 🎮 Ravenclaw 💙

Currently under US law (and for most other countries) it is illegal for an organ donor to be paid for their donation. All organ donations must be "altruistic".

This seems slightly hypocritical since people CAN be paid for other body parts (blood, plasma, sperm, eggs, hair, stool, etc).

Some example arguments...

AGAINST LEGALIZATION: offering donors money in exchange for organs could be considered "taking advantage" of the donor. The donor could be someone in poverty that may only be donating for the money compensation (and wouldn't have donated under different circumstances).

FOR LEGALIZATION: both parties (the donor and the patient receiving the donation) are benefiting. One person is getting an organ that they need to live, the other is getting money to potentially help them with financial troubles.

It would help the donation shortage problem. Waiting lists for organs can be yearssss long - Many patients don't even live long enough to receive one.

It would make organ donation around the world more safe. If people can be paid for their donation, then there is much less need for black market organs that can put both patient and donor in unsafe situations, or without proper medical care.

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