Anyone else??

Natalee • TTC baby #1 - Happily married for 4 years!

Stopped birth control after six years. Finished a full pack in June (my last pack). I had my withdrawal bleed, which was like a normal period; it came at the same time and everything. July, normal 28 day cycle- 5 day AF. We started TTC immediately off BC. Skipped August cycle altogether, and got a period September 1st. That makes my last cycle like 49-50 days. Very unusual for me. Supposed to get AF yesterday or today, but nothing yet. I took a 6month break from BC over a year ago while DH was gone and had normal periods the whole time and ever when restarting BC. Why is it now that everything is messed up?? Went to OBGYN on Sept 8 and she said my pap was normal. I talked with her about TTC and my last cycle.. all she had to say was maybe I didn’t ovulate in August.. anyone else frustrated about their cycles or have advice from being in this situation?