Am I in the wrong??


So I’ll be getting married in November. Having a private ceremony with his parents my mom her husband and my grandma that’s it but then 2 days later having a reception with all friends and family.

Well here’s the thing. My mom re married only a few years ago 5 years maybe. Her husband has kids. We are not close to them at all. Never talk barely see them (drama) and have only been around then a few times for the holidays.

My mom wants me to invite his daughter and her Sleazeball husband to my reception which I DO NOT WANT THERE. Plus I’m already at max people and haven’t gotten everyone I WANT there. She’s so upset at me saying that they are “family”. We didn’t grow up together we barely see or speak we don’t have a relationship.

Am I in the wrong for not wanting them there??

Oh and to add to it she tried to talk me out of going somewhere to get married because it didn’t work for her. She is very upset at me for not wanting them there and we haven’t spoken at all since we got into the text argument (I was in class and couldn’t talk) I refuse to call her to explain myself.

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