maybe TMI. anyone else experienced this?


I'm 17 weeks pregnant with twins and this is my third pregnancy. This morning about 4 am I woke up and felt soaking wet. I got automatically scared and ran to the bathroom. When I checked to see what was going on the amount of tanish color discharge in my underwear and dripping on to the floor that I saw was very alarming. I've never in my life experienced anything like this before. It was a HUGE amount. I go to the ER. It's not amniotic fluid and they heard both heartbeats. Sent me home. Called my doctor, who again, didn't seem to care or concerned (I made a post about her yesterday on something different). I have still have been having larger amounts of discharge since being home and now it's almost a pinky brown color and I'm having light to moderate cramping. I called my doctors office back and the nurse I spoke to thinks this due to the swab in my vagina testing the fluid. Has anyone else had anything similar to this happen? I can't find anything about it. Seriously the amount of discharge I have just doesn't seem right to me. It doesnt seem normal.