
Cheyenne • 👱🏼‍♂️👩🏻👼🏻👼🏻🐱🐱👼🏻👶🏼 Mommy to Parker Anne💕🌈

So I'm so confused with my own body. I haven't had my period since June. ( which for me is abnormal since I'm ALWAYS on time) I took multiple pregnancy tests and all came back negative. But that's normal in my family since no one in my family has ever been able to test positive on a pregnancy (urine) test. So in late July I went and had a blood test done at a Urgent care and during a three hour long cluster f**k the PA at the office managed to tell me I was pregnant and not pregnant twice and he couldn't give my levels because they couldn't find them in the system. I eventually left not knowing what to think and told them to call me when they found MY results. I was very tired after just getting off of my 14hr night shift at the hospital and I just wanted my damn results! The PA eventually calls me and says I'm pretty sure these are yours and your not pregnant. And I was okay with that. But now I'm having all of the weird symptoms and it's almost October. I'm nauseous, I'm tired all the time. And now I'm starting to leak milk from my nipples when I'm in a hot shower. I tried to take a urine test but I'm in the middle of a bladder infection and I know those with mess up a urine test. So I don't know what to do. Am I pregnant or not? Like someone please help me. My SO is determined that I am and has been since July. But I just don't feel it.