Not Sure Anymore 😔

Is it ok that I’m 7 months pregnant and I haven’t seen my partner but twice this entire pregnancy? Each visit lasting only a couple of a hours. He lives 1hr30mins away and only works during the week. I was around 2 1/2 months pregnant when he was first supposed to visit, but after all day of waiting and not hearing from him I decided to call and see what happened, and he ended up breaking up with me that day. Then about a month later I thought things were getting better between us so I asked if he would come visit soon then he told me the reason he hasn’t came is because he doesn’t want to deal with me. He said I only wanted him to come so I could make him suffer like me with all the pregnancy symptoms I was having. Then when I was close to 5 months pregnant he finally decided to visit out of nowhere one day and after a couple of hours he left. The entire time he was here you would have thought we were the happiest couple at the end of the visit he told me he came because he felt bad that I had no one to rub my belly and stuff like most pregnant women do. Two weeks later he came back and it was even better then the first time. He made me believe everything was back to normal and that he was happy. But then I stoped hearing from him again until just recently. Every now and then he would ask how I was and how the baby was doing but the conversation never went far after that. Eventually I just gave up on us. He seriously made me believe I couldn’t do anything right and I didn’t deserve to be happy. For the last couple of weeks he’s been texting almost every day and each day the conversation gets longer. He’s really excited for our new baby girl and he wants to support her as much as he can. He claims to feel bad about the way he’s treated me but that’s so hard to believe when he’s said that before and eventually went back to treating me the same. The next time he plans to visit will be in 3 weeks and by then I’ll be 33 weeks pregnant. I want to be upset with him because I’ve basically been through this entire pregnancy alone but at the same time I just want to understand why. Is there seriously something wrong with me?? 😔😔