Need Advice please! Just came off the pill


Hi all,

Background story:

I just came off my pill( 17 days ago) after being on it for 3 years. My sex drive is great and feel generally good.

Since I cam off the pill I have started doing a little more exercise and eating heathier( as I have the motivation to do so coz I didn't before )

Today I had what looked like CM come out of my vagina. It was clear and gluey. It didn't smell, nor was it itchy or anything. I am currently in my 'active' fertile window. Could this just be something to do with my cycle becoming regular again? I don't remember what it's like as I had the implanon before my pill..

Has anyone come off the pill and had the same symptoms?

Or any other things that happened when they came off the pill?

Thank you for any advice/ comments - just not sure what to expect as I haven't been in off any contraception for 8 years( I'm 26 years old now)


⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️my nipples are super sensitive- not my boobs - just nipples - is this normal??