Mini pill vs combo pill?


I’m almost through with my second month on bc! I’m 26 and wanted to start it to a) prevent pregnancy and b) clear my face/MAYBE help with weight(?) I don’t have horrible acne nor am I “over weight” I just wanted to see if it would help in either of those areas. I’m on the combo pill Yasmin. So far it’s been fine. By that I mean, I have no problem remembering to take it, and my periods have been less painful and lighter! My acne hasn’t necessarily gotten better... but it hasn’t gotten worse either. Sort of the same... my weight I’ve noticed has gone up. But that could be my diet... I do notice around the 2nd week of pills, into the 3rd/period week, my breasts are tender. Not awful, but noticeably tender to the point that it’s really bothering me, plus, they’ve DEFINITELY gotten bigger (which, btw, I am not comfortable with. I have a very petite frame so having larger breasts is uncomfortable to me plus I don’t own any real bras.... hah!) ! I’m almost positive it’s the estrogen.... so I’m considering switching to the mini pill! Has anyone had any similar experiences to me? Have you tried the mini pill? Is it better in terms of the hormones it has?? Any advice would be great!