Ready to throw my life away😞

Rant; I used to be soo small literally i was only 120-130 pounds before I got TOLD I had to be on birth control or else I had to find somewhere else to live (got to this by my family) 4 months later and I'm almost 200 pounds. I used to not care. Only cared about how fat my face was getting and sometimes I cry about it because my sisters are so damn pretty like they have no problem with them while me on the other had I have depression and anxiety, I have acne out of this world my dark marks on my skin are horrible I have a learning disability. Everyone's knows me as their "sister" or the one who "ever comes out the room" no one knows who I am, I have these marks, these dark brown hair bumps all over my skin my knees swell up so bad everyday they over lap my knee caps I don't wear short because of them. I bought the prettiest outfit for my birthday Sunday i planned to get my hair done and look really nice well I got the outfit. It didn't fit over anything not my legging not my arms it just looked horrible. I finally reach my breaking point I just need to cry I just needed to let everything out all the hurtful comments I get from my family all the you've gotten big remarks just everything. I've never felt so bad about myself ever. I've starved myself, I've taking weight loss pill, I've diet, I've detox, I spend countless hours in the gym 6 hours everyday to be exact just to still be Fat.