
I need some advice about how to deal with the way my mom treats me. Ever since I was a young girl, she has always drawn a very clear connection between sexuality and shame, regardless of whether I had it pushed on me or embraced it on my own. The first instance I remember of this was when I was 11 years old and an 18 year old boy took interest in me romantically and quickly turned around and began to send me unwanted pictures of himself and pressured me to do the same. I kept it a secret because I was scared and when she found out by looking through my phone, she grounded me and told various members of my family how disappointed she was in me. From then on she pushed me constantly to dress modestly, never put myself in a position alone with a male friend, and avoid any romantic relationships I had with boys regardless of if it was healthy and age appropriate. How do I have a relationship with her if I feel like I'm being treated unfairly for being victimized? (I'm 17 now and will be living at home for at least two more years)