all girls are beautiful


** long rant warning **

it's 4:30am where im at rn but i don't give a sht. this guy (he's someone i'd text from time to time, we're not really friends tho) starts sending me pics of girls from the internet and comments how they can "look better" because they're "not pretty". first off, what the actual fck. i immediately call him out and then i tell him all the girls look good. he tells me that what i said wasn't a fact. btch what? he talks about how he just "appreciates cute girls" and comments only on their appearances, like how certain girls would look better if they had bigger lips or a bigger butt and stuff like that. i cant explain how frustrated i got when i read his text. that cannot be further from the truth. he says that girls thinking they look good are just "unsupported opinions". honey, it's called self love, self confidence. something you probably don't have because you're taking time out of your life to bring others down. it was ABSOLUTELY unnecessary to comment about those girls. especially their bodies. this is an example why girls these days feel the need to look a certain way to be "pretty". because people like this guy say they need to have certain features in order to look "pretty". i honestly got genuinely upset. GIRLS READING THIS (HECK EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT A GIRL), you don't need to change yourself and who you are to meet someone's expectation of being "pretty". heck, you're not just pretty, you're absolutely beautiful. just a reminder cause everyone could use one 💛 he then told me i was getting "too worked up" over this. i don't think i was at all.