If his friends cheat, is he likely a cheater too?


If your SO helped his friends cheat and told you about it, would you trust him? Would you think he was doing the same to you? In my boyfriend's group of friends, two of them actively cheat on their girlfriends (one of them is even engaged), while another two go to strip clubs but allegedly don't "full on" cheat. The friends who are completely clean don't hang out with the group much anymore.

I also found out he lied to me about some things. Relatively minor things, but I was still shocked at how easily he lied and how convincing he was. Makes me question everything he says now.

One thing was that he told me he hasn't gone to a nightclub in years, yet I found a video on his phone that he sent to his friend of him at one the other weekend. I feel like I can't confront him with it though, cause he'll just turn it on me for going through his phone. No questionable texts (other than him telling his friends he wishes he were at the club with them), though he does clear his Facebook search history... so clearly he's thorough.