How much is too much?


Hey everybody! I'm on my 2nd cycle TTC. My husband was out of town this past week Saturday through Thursday for work. Thursday I got a positive OPK and we BD'd once Thursday, once Friday, and twice yesterday. So that's 4 sexy times in 3 days during a 'charted' ovulation... Tonight I want to BD for the sake of trying more than just 3 days in a row, but I literally don't have ANY energy/desire to. I read so many articles/blogs/posts on "don't make it into a chore" "don't stress yourself out about it" "don't wear yourself out" etc etc etc. What are your opinions? At what point does the negatives of it being a chore/exhausting outweigh the negatives of 'less' sperm? If I got a positive OPK on Thursday is there any chance my egg still hasn't descended yet (as in is tonight a vital night)?

Thanks so much!!! Baby dust to all 💖✨