UPDATE! Prayers for 2nd Beta after first said Negative

Briana • Boy Girl Twins Born July 2018 at 32 Weeks after TTC since June 2015. MFI and APA syndrome. Had 4 IUIs and IVF fresh transfer prior to FET (2 early miscarriages from IUI and fresh transfer)

I had <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and 9dp5dt my beta came back at an 8... they want a 10 or more so it was declared negative and I was devastated. All weekend long I've done hpts and they're positive and getting getting darker. Called today (13dp5dt) and they've scheduled me for a retest. Nurse said 5 and under is negative but 8 was still pretty close to negative (8 is closer to 10 ughh)... not sure why they didn't order the retest from the first beta since I wasn't technically 100% negative. Just had my blood drawn and they did a urine sample this time so now to wait for the call... prayers would be appreciated.

* 9/28 was the morning of my first blood test and 10/2 is today

UPDATE: Beta was at 83 today!! Retest on Wednesday!! My clinic said they've never had anyone go on to have a successful pregnancy that started as an 8... they've had a few successful ones starting at 11 but never as low as 8. Please continue with the prayers... they're working!!