I’m not inducing for the fun of it

I’m diabetic and my sugar is starting to get out of control, it’s not safe for my baby to be in the womb for much longer because of this. I’ve been doing everything I should be and still having issues. Yet, when I explain this I still get shit. “You need to let her come when she’s ready.” Or my favorite “you’re just tired of being pregnant is all. How selfish.” God if I could go to 40 weeks or even a little past that I would prefer it, but it isn’t in my child’s best interest. I’ll be 39 weeks and 5 days when I’m induced (two days from now), I negotiated that at least, and that’s all I can do. Not that I really owe anyone an explanation on my health, I’m just tired of the shit I’m getting mostly in real life, not so much on this app I just really really need a little bit of a vent.