Excuse me while I rant...

I'm so disgusted with the response from everyone about the Canadian terrorist attack and the Las Vegas shooting. Why is everyone making everything about race? None of this has anything to do with race. A Somalian refugee was responsible for the terror attack and in my brain the fact he was Somalian didn't matter... it was his personal ideologies. He was an extremist. It could have easily been a Caucasian Canadian and it would still have been a terror attack. He carried an Isis flag in the front seat of his car and intentionally hurt people for religious gain due to extremist ideologies. That is what made it a terrorist attack... it was his ideologies not his race or religion. People are blowing it out of proportion. People are getting defensive and calling people racist because they are saying the Las Vegas shooting should have been deemed a terror attack and think it's because he was a white male that it wasn't. Terrorism definition: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims or religious gain. There was no proof or suspicion that any sort of political aims or religious views were involved in the shooting. Is it possible that it was a terror attack? Yes. But there is no proof of that so they are unable to attach a label such as terrorism to that attack. It has absolutely nothing to do with race and everything to do with the intentions behind the violent acts. Can we stop dividing ourselves based off of the colour of our skin or our religious beliefs?! Extremists come from every race and religion... and we are all the same on the inside and we are all capable of good and bad. I blame the person not the religion or race. End of rant.