
Kacy • 👽🕉♒️

When the last thing he says after you break up is, I hope I at least get to fuck you a few more times.. Go fuck yourself you fucking bi polar narcissist. You're an awful human being who has everyone fooled with that nice guy act. I was honest with you about my past and you continuously used my past against me. You blow things so far out of proportion and then act the victim. You've used your over sensitivity to be emotionally abusive. You don't care about anyone else you hurt amongst your pain. We both knew this relationship had to end, but since you so badly need to be the victim I'm sure it'll all be blamed on me. Have a nice life... or don't, just don't come crawling back here. I'm done being accused of shit I don't do, kept away from my guy friends, and being emotionally abused.