TTC #1

Danni • Due 4/8/19

Hi ladies!

I just felt I needed to share this amazing experience I had with my one stepdaughter tonight. I have been in her life since she was 5 and is now 10, her sister is now 8. We have a very deep bond and she shares everything with me. Every night that she is with us she asks me to come sit and chat with her about life. Tonight we got into a discussion about babies. She expressed how she wants her father and I to have a little baby soon. It honestly warmed my heart so much. She is an amazing big sister already but it makes me so happy to know her heart is open to more siblings. She then asked to look at baby names together. I am currently 1DPO, but she has no idea that we have already started trying. Our wedding issuer this month and I can only hope for a positive!! Baby dust to all you stepmammas trying this month!