So annoyed

So my period is like a week late and I sent my husband to the store for a pregnancy test and he comes back with blue dye instead of pink...I told him to get first response but he said clearblue looked I peed on the stick one day and I got a faint line and it was visible with out light and stuff so two day past and I pee'd oh the second stick and the this line was a lil bit darker I showed both the stick to my husband and best friend and they said they can see the lines too. So I went to the store and I got a first response test and I took it and a line didn't show up not even a faint line and took this one with fmu, with the clear blue tests I didn't. I haven't had any cramps or I have not bleed not once yet and I'm confused so I will be taking the other response take 2morrow to see how that come out...I'm kinda bummed out and my doctor appointment is oct 17.