2 day "period"


Hey Ladies! Please advise: I was sure I conceived this month due to all my symptoms being unusual since 2dpo. By 12dpo I was 90% sure I was pregnant, I even told my SO!! I was having hot flashes, breasts were huge & sensitive, cramps (light), arm numbness, dizziness, 2 episodes of nausea & HEARTBURN!!! BTW all tests were negative. Well, by 1am (the night of 12dpo) I started a "period" after I felt twinges in my left side for 5 mins. My period wasn't due until 14-15dpo. It was a light period, no cramping, little pee size clots that were stringy if you touched them, but bright red, new blood. I wore panty liners and they never filled up! the blood really didn't come out much but it was there most of the time when I wiped. This lasted 2.5 days. Sunday night @ 1am-Wed 5pm. Since then I have had nothing, not a thing! My breasts have started to leak (I have not BF in 9 months), my areaolas are massive, Montgomery glands are all over and they are sensitive and have sharp pains on the nipples randomly, twinges on my left side, teeth hurting (had w/ my 1st) and still heartburn. My test yesterday morning was negative & I will get bloods back tm. I'm loosing my freaking mind!!! :(