missed period and negative tests


ok ladies, ive delt with pcos the ENTIRE time ive ever had my period. its been over 14 years since i missed a period for longer than 30 days...i was supposed to start on the 4th of sept but got nothing. my cycles are far more than super crazy and i figured id be ok and start....well nothing. i went on the 10th out of state to bring my boyfriends mom and sister here with us and i got SUPER sick with a stomach bug (this was 13 days past af) before i had left i spotted a few days during that "period week" but only for an hr a day and almost nothing to put on even a panty liner. as of right now i should be starting my NEXT period on sunday...look ladies ive taken 13 tests...13! most were clearly negative and some i thought i saw faint lines. ive never had kids before (due to my lady issues) and im at a loss cause even with my cycles being absolutely ridiculous i normally can tell when im going to start and NOTHING. i need advice...guidance even. should i just go get a blood test doneor what?i keep telling myself ill wait and see if i start and then nada so i tell myself the same thing again... what do yall think?