Partner being poop

i am not sure if this is the right place to have a moan and if its a long one i apologise in advance.

I am 25+3 and I honestly feel like i am sinking into depression and just feel very unsupported by my partner. i have 2 good mummy friends who i talk to, but i was wondering if this is a usual preggo thing because of hormones and stuff. My partner rarely asks me about how baby is like if i have felt her kick of anything. My boss is allowing me to work from home and for some reason he thinks because i work from home it means i can bend to his whim all the time and just stop whatever i am doing and make him a cup of tea or something to eat.

He does work at a care home across from my house 5 days a week 6 hour shifts. It feels as though because he works out the house his job is more important and he has become so much nore slack in the house because well i am at home so i should do everything while working :/. I keep telling him act like i am not even here like do what you would of normally done, but it falls on deaf ears, like grrr.

Also his sister already has 2 very young girls and his brothers missus gave birth to a boy a few weeks ago, its like everything revolves around his neices and nephews. Hes made us short to give his brother money because they planned awfully. Okay well we arent short but I wanted to get my baby stuff, we have most of it i just want to get the last things so i can relax for the last part of my pregnancy, but well thats going out the window. Also we went to his mothers and all i heard about was how no other baby ever will be as beautiful as the first born grandchild because shes so gorgeous and oh how handsome the first born grandson is... just feel a bit like me and my daughter are just not supported really and just gunna be the last thought and not good enough...

blah sorry for the rant i just needed to get it out of my system. I am probably being stupid and the hormones are just making me sad and angry :/.