Tired of taking tests!

Nicole • Happily married ❤️ Dog & Cat Mom 🐕🐱 Soon to be first time mommy ❤️ 02-25-19 ❤️🤰🏼

I'm so over taking pregnancy tests! I'm so confused! AF was supposed to show up on Tuesday and didn't! Last week I took a like 4 tests and could of sworn 2 were vvvvf and 2 were negative! I took one two days ago and again it looked vvvf but was being told it was an evap line or invalid. I took two more today one was negative and the other looked vvvf. I have no indication that AF is going to make an appearance other than some weird cramping that could also be mistaken as a stomach ache or gas pains, sore boobs and tired. Ugh! My birthday is tomorrow and I was really hoping to have the best birthday present ever and see a bfp!