who's right?

so my bf and I work together. great decision, I know. He is a supervisor (not mine) but currently I'm sitting at a desk that his only a couple of cubes away from his. this guy that sits across from me has been harassing me for months (Not sexually, just constantly bothering me) and finally I had enough after he threatened me and I got into it with him. My bf overheard and came over and made me be quiet, didn't address the entire situation or reprimand the asshole who has been hounding me, even though he is his supervisor. just made me shut up. this really pissed me off, so I went to my supe and explained the situation, and she said my bf should have intervened because it's his clerk. My bf says he can't intervene because it will look like he is only taking my side because I'm his gf. I haven't spoke to him since and now he's blowing up my phone. I didn't expect him to intervene as my bf, I expected him to intervene as a supe. am I wrong?

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