PCOS.... Hospital? Depression.... help?


I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and fibroids. I have been bleeding like crazy and I have a constant thought of needing to go into the hospital. I’m 19 and have been relatively healthy all my life. When I was diagnosed I was put on oral contraceptives, but after finishing two weeks I had a cyst rupture and then my period started. Its been 6days since the cyst rupturing and I have not stopped bleeding like a water fountain. And I have HUGE blood clots like the size of my palm. I take ibuprofen and hydrocodone, yet I am still rocking myself when the cramps come which by the way is all the time. After starting bleeding like crazy I went to see my gynecologist and she put me on straight progesterone. I’ve been taking it for 4 days now and nothing is getting better. How can I feel so depressed all the time and just out of it and still live a normal life. I want to go to the hospital to get help but I feel like everyone thinks I’m over reacting or that they can’t do anything. What do I do? How long will this last? Is there anything I’m not doing right? I don’t get this, I just want to feel normal.