Help me again please!

Natasha • 21, A happy wife, and a proud mommy to Josiah! Life is sweet, and I always try to stay positive! 🌞

So my last post was about me thinking i'm not feeding baby enough, and at the time I was only exclusively pumping. Well, I went back to breastfeeding again! Now here is what I need help with. my little one is 4 weeks, do I still need to feed every 2-3 hours? Someone told me I should feed on demand, I've tried it but I can distinguish if my little one is hungry or not. He does suck on a pacifier and usually as long as he has that he is fine. The only way I know if he is hungry is if he wakes up from a nap and usually gets fussy. I've read that if little one is hungry he will still spit out the pacifier and cry.. i've tried waiting on that cue but I end up giving in and finding out myself if he is hungry. I think this pacifier is in the way of me knowing what my little one wants 😓