Can’t find my cervix?!


Yesterday was the craziest day! Went to my 37 week appt and got checked, fully effaced, but she couldn’t find my cervix. She brought in a second opinion, who agreed with fully effaced, but couldn’t find my cervix. While digging around, she thought she nicked my bulging bag of waters and sent me to L & D. Contractions continued, no more than 4 minutes apart and getting as close as 1.5 minutes apart when I walked. 3 more nurses and 1 doctor checked me. Nobody could figure out exactly where my cervix was and if I’m dilating.

They think the scar tissue from my LEEP procedure is holding me closed. When it “pops” open, I’ll likely go from 0-transitional labor. They prepared us to call 911 from home and that when the pressure starts, not to wait a second.

I’m confused, tired, and TERRIFIED! Any thoughts or advice?