My body played a cruel trick


Two nights ago around 6:30 pm I started to have regular contractions 2-3 minutes apart 40-60 seconds long. These contractions lasted through the night and into early morning. Being babe number two my husband and I decided we would wait for them to feel more intense and would both try to get some sleep before headed to hospital in morning. Woke up and the contractions were still coming just more spaced out, until about noon. Noon the contractions were 3-5 minutes apart 60-90 seconds long, we timed these for 2 hours before heading to the hospital. After arriving my contractions became erratic and I learned I had not progressed whatsoever since my last checkup (still 4 cm 75%) Then once discharges my contractions completely stopped. This bizarre experience has me questioning everything- pretty much just going to pray my water breaks eventually. But as of now just feel defeated and like I will be pregnant forever. Lol