Black men automatically equal Jail?

SeeEmSpice🍁 • Kyi🎭•Biracial • married🧔🏻• mom👦🏻 • Work hard• sarcastic • NRA • BlackLivesMatter✊🏽 • 🏳️‍🌈 LBGTQIAPD supporter •

So yesterday my son wanted to play basketball with his friends after school he wanted to also ride his bike to the basketball court, I told him no I'd drive him. I told him we would drive and ask his friends mothers if they could come to the court also. I ended up driving to 7 houses (glad everyone stays close to each other for the most part) 5 out of the 7 boys mothers allowed them to come. I figured it was better for me to drive them but my son had more friends than I thought so I ended up asking one of the other moms to come so we could all go safely.

Me and one of the other mothers took turns playing basketball with the boys but I had to sit a round out after hurting my foot. An older white woman came and sat down beside me because her son started playing with my son and his friends.

The lady and I made small talk back and forth for a couple of minutes. Then she noticed the other mother who came with me talking to her son (mother is white, her son is black and white).

"I'll never understand why some of us do that?"

I didn't know what she was talking about so I asked her what she was referring to. She pointed at the mother and my son's friend. I looked at her because I was a little confused.

"Don't make me say it." She chuckled. Still confused I encouraged her to tell me what she meant. She went on to say

"Have kids with other races. She has a mixed kid. The dads probably a lowlife who didn't even bother to marry her. Who knows he probably can't marry her because he is in jail.Thats how black men are. She couldn't find a good white man like us. Those mixed kids grow up and are so confused."

Keep in mind I am not white. I am mixed myself but white presenting which is why this bitch probably felt comfortable saying that dumb 💩. My son is not white either. He is black, white, Puerto Rican, and Samoan. It took everything in me not to snap on her so I stood up and told her: "well I'm not confused but clearly you are. Since you have a problem and need to figure out what I'm even talking about I will clue you in I am Biracial, her husband isn't in jail and hasn't ever been and they are married. My father hasn't ever been to jail so no that's not how black men are that's how the system treats them. But I'll tell you what Since you think something is wrong with people who date other races I'll do you a favor since I'm a product of that and so is my son. Excuse yourself from over here but be sure to Educate yourself. Goodbye I wouldn't want you to be in the presence of us mixed up mixed people and I don't want to be in the presence of a racist bigot." She got so upset, grabbed her kid and stormed off.