autism ??

can you post annon please??

hey everyone , my stepson is going on12 and from a very young age his teacher pointed out possible autism.he ALWAYS would jump while he played video games (he does have ADHD & stereotypic movement disorder)

he use to jump like a frog too when he got excited but outgrew that but the jumping continues.. about 2 yrs ago he started doing different things like :

- finger flapping / hand waving/flapping

-moving hands

- clentching hands together

- making some facial exspressions

- tongue rolling


he also is VERY behind in school hes in 6th grade on and 2nd grade level (hes in S.E 12:1.2)

we brought him to a DR who diagnoised him with the STMD..

he cant game without doing these movements , if he gets excited he does them nonstop we sometimes have to make him get off due to it happening so much when he does these movements he also makes the tongue rolling sound and another sound but hard to explain and he will randomly do the sounds at the table etc..

he doesnt seem to understand certain things which seem to be common sense things

- asked what the grip on the feet to feety pajamas were (but he knows what they are)

- asked what a bib was

- if u explain something SIMPLE like going over spelling words he will say " well how do i know how to spell the word that the teachers saying if i dont know how to spell it or if i dont know it " i told him to spell cat and he said Kat . or i asked him how to spell monday he said mundai etc the list goes on

to me his mindset is way younger than his age ... he seems very spaced out too

advice please no bashing