Husband side, vs my side

Me and my husband already had a middle name picked out if we had a girl. He choose Renee Paige because that's both my sisters middle names. I agreed, but it was his decision. We were stuck between Letty and Emily for first names. My side loved Letty. His loved Emily. We kept debating because I didn't wanna just say "you choose the middle names.. so I get the first" she is his too. One day my sisters told us to decide so they could get her monogram stuff. My husband said Letty. I kinda feel like his family thinks it's all about me though because it's the name I favored, plus my sisters names.. even though ultimately it was all his choice. Even when I told my MIL the chosen name, she was just kinda eh about it, than turned her head from me. I think, she thinks I manipulated it when I did not at all. But anyways, which name is cute to y'all? Letty or Emily? I love them both, but favored Letty because the Fast and Furious movies. I just don't want people thinking her name is L because they liked the other one, so I made him chose L. Totally not the case.