Elizabeth • Instagram | @IMTHATNUMBERONE | 🐣💕

I just need to let all this out I have no one to vent too lol excuse my rambling. Well here it goes since I've got pregnant I've had to realize so much growing up I have to do I'm 21 and I was 1 of those party hard girls never gonna stop don't want no kids!! &I; here I am , I do not regret it. It just kinda sucks I feel like I'm alone no one in my family is supportive no ones happy for me no one asks about my child unless I bring it up and then they feel obligated to semi act interested they just kinda change the subject or be like "Oh" (my family is FULL of haters let me say lol everyone's legit in competition with each other ) I shouldn't be this hurt or shocked but not even my mom / nor sister which I supported her entire pregnancy at age 14 it's just hurts me I try not to care but I don't understand it I cry every day for hours to my man .. as mean as it sounds I don't really get too excited when I get an ultrasound be cuz I have no one to share with I feel like I'm battling my self to try an just let it go and realize they just don't care so neither should I , I feel bad because i feel like I'm going to ruin this 1st pregnancy experience for my man and waste it for my self worrying about unsupportive ppl it sucks it just really sucks.. SO I have a Question!

Should I let my sister still do my baby shower or should I NOT ???