"You're spoiling your child!"


I think that phrase (and any variation of it) now tops my list of things that piss me off.

For the record, I did not get my son into the habit of being carried around. He was fussy after his first shots and since then he cries hysterically when set down.

And even if I did carry him around for shits and giggles: my child, my arms, my time. Nobody is knocking on your door to babysit.

No, he is not "spoiled". I've read tons of child psychology books and tidbits since getting pregnant - every single one I've gotten my hands on agrees that children cannot be spoiled at this age. (My son is a little over 10 weeks.) They are simply not capable of being cunning right now - they just need nurturing and proof of love.

And if all the research is wrong and he is conning me: he will only be a baby once, and soon he won't even want to be carried. I'd rather carry him now than regret it later.

Sorry, I needed to get this off my chest. 🙅🏽