Scary feeling for sure...


So I had a very busy day today. The fiancé took off work and we agreed to finish the babies shopping and get everything left on our list. So we went all over town. I brought one snack with me thinking we would be home before dinner, it was 9am when we left the house. Anyways we get her everything we needed then I remembered the mattress store was having a sale and we need a new one bad so we went. It was already 6 we had had lunch already but I didn’t bring a second snack and wasn’t even thinking. So we pick our mattress and do all the paper work which takes 2 hours. I started feeling anxious and got indigestion bad. We left the store and went to grab something to eat cause I was starving by now. Well the restaurant had a wait and I started feeling worse so I said let’s just grab a burger cause I can’t wait anymore. In the drive thru I felt worse. I decided to check my sugar levels to see what was going on, well it was 56!!! 😱

I had a butterscotch candy in my purse so fiancé gave me one and I was trying to calm down. He ordered a sweet tea so when we got to the window I had a few sips to help kick in the process. This is the first time my sugar ever dropped and I was worried. I wasn’t feeling any better by the time we got home. I ate my burger and half a cup of juice. I then started feeling better. We called fiancés kim who is a nurse to ask her what I should do as far as my insulin. She said if it’s above 80 in an hour take it. So an hour went by and I was 209! 😱 Again from one extreme to the other. I was feeling so tired and weak. Well I took my insulin shot and now waiting to do another reading in an hour. Man has this been a learning experience. I guess this is the what not to do ladies. Any suggestions would be so helpful. I know a burger wasn’t the best choice but I just needed something fast.