35 Weeks & Just Now doing This? HELP!

Okay so apparently they assume I have GD, and I have to check my sugar 6 times a day... Baby is fine and on track no extra weight put on. 
Okay so what should my sugar be in the range of, every time I check it’s around 96-99 had it up to 117 that’s the most... im not sure if that’s normal or not. 
This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’ve never had any of this happen to me. So I’m really confused my dr well my (high risk dr) I was high risk with all my kids has nothing to do with my sugar... kinda just threw this at me and assumed I knew what to do.. my regular dr didn’t even call in the kit for me to test they were like 2 of your test was abnormal soooo we are gonna basically say you have GD..
I tried looking online to see if I could find a chart and nothing helped.. so any help would be appreciated.
ALSO; Side note what’s a good food to eat in the mornings that would go good with my diet they gave me?