I got a call on Wednesday October 4th from my OB to come on in for my 39 week appointment

I got a call on Wednesday October 4th from my OB to come on in for my 39 week appointment. I get there and he decides that since I have had higher fluid levels and my baby was measuring on the bigger side that we should go ahead and have a c section the next morning. My boyfriend and I arrive at 5:30 and get settled in. I went into the OR right about 7:30 and my son Lennox was born at 7:57 that morning with lungs of steel and weighing a pound more than what they had originally thought the day before. So he weighed 10 pounds and 5 ounces. He was the absolute most difficult thing I’ve done as I’ve never even gotten a tooth pulled or anything until this. But I wouldn’t trade a thing. He’s so so beautiful.