Too much stress and overthinking

Iv been with my other half for 17 months, might seem quick but we’ve decided to try for a baby now as he’s 34 & I’m nearly 30 and want to try have a baby by the time I’m 32.

My partner already has a child to another women (she’s 7)

Just this Summer his ex partner died unexpected and therefore his little has come to live with us full time.

Going from nothing to a 7 year old child and taking the role of “mum” has been hard. I’m not going to lie. I find it really stressful as she isn’t mine but her dad works long days so I’m left to do the lot, getting up, taking to school, picking up from school l, bathing, putting to bed.

Don’t get me wrong it all comes natural to do these things but just feel like I sometimes to much. (Any advice welcomed)

Since his little girl came to live with us it’s made me want a baby even more thou, I see the relationship he has already with his girl and get jealous that I don’t have that with him.

Is it wrong for me to love his daughter like my own? I worry that I over step the line because the truth is, I’m only her dads girlfriend. She adores me to the point she wants me over her Dad a lot of the time and then I feel guilty because I think her dad gets jealous then.

Since her mum died she’s become even closer to me, is this normal?