My recent meltdown


DH and I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks back in March. Total devastation, right. One nurse even said "at least you know you can get pregnant"......I was super pissed because that is NOT what you say to someone who just lost their child, in addition it is so far from the truth that I can't believe it came out of the mouth of a medical professional. What we knew is that we DID get pregnant, not that we ever could again. So fast forward to September and we still weren't pregnant. We went through a barrage of fertility testing and it turns out I don't ovulate regularly. Part of me really wants to shove that info in the nurse's face and remind her howbinappropriate her comment was, as well as recommend further sensitivity training for her. Then I come back to reality and assume she likely doesn't even remember me, let alone her asinine comment. So I bottle up my bitterness and move along, lol. My next plan of action is to start Clomid on our next cycle. When I started doing some research and hearing many positive testimonials and hearing all the success stories, I had a renewed sense of encouragement (which I had all but lost at this point). Then, last night I realized next week is our "would-be" due date for our little one we lost and started feeling really guilty about being excited. I realize this is super irrational, but it felt like I was excited about replacing the first one....which I know I am not REPLACING anyone, but man that guilt was real. On top of feeling like a failure because I don't ovulate naturally, which I also know is irrational, my emotions were just everywhere. I am also worried because I know Clomid can make you cray, my poor DH has no idea what he's in for. Ugh, ok just had to vent. Sorry it was so long, and seriously I don't blame anyone for looking at how long this is and completely passing over it, I just needed to get it all out lol!