
so I work in a super market and I do a lot of heavy lifting my role is to pick items for customers home deliveries which I then pack into large crates and stack 6 high ( above my head ) im currently 9 weeks and a day pregnant I have told my boss this and my whole work team are doing nothing to help me with the lifting I was refused help twice last week lifting triple the amount I should be. at this point I became very stressed and was almost in tears as this is my first baby and I dont want to do anything to make this go wrong for me. so I came to work today hoping for a better day when I look at my schedule I see I have been put in for 11 hours work either standing all day on a till or putting out stock. when I approached my boss to ask why I had such a long day and if he could cut the hours down and ask someone just to cover the last 3 hours he replied with "why didnt you see me before today?" now I have asked my boss in the past to cut my hours down as they are too much for me anyway let alone being pregnant any other sunday I work 7 hours so I assumed today would be the same he didnt notify of the change. I havent had any appointments to confirm my pregnancy yet I have one soon with a midwife and I feel because of this he doesnt believe me no one does so he doesnt care what I am doing at all. anyway he cut my day by 2 hours and I feel so exhausted he isnt listening to me when I say I can no longer do the tasks he wants me too he just keeps my schedule​ the same. please someone give me advice on this im so worried im going to lose this baby because of work. am I overreacting to this or is there something I can do. just to reference im from.the uk so regulations may be different from other country's