Finally announced to our family


After a miscarriage in May, we decided not to say anything to our families until after we were out of the first trimester. We did a genetic screening test where we also found out the gender of the baby. So I decided to do a gender reveal cake and we would all find out the gender at the same time. We drove to Dallas this weekend with the cake and I told them all that I had baked a cake for them. I even told them that I did a cake decorating class at a local bakery so they wouldn’t be suspicious. So yesterday we cut into the cake without even telling them that I was pregnant. My MIL says to my nephew “oh cool the inside is blue!” I responded with “Do you know why that is cool?” “It means we are having a boy!”. Everyone lost their minds and started tearing up. They were super surprised and in shock that we had kept it a secret for this long. I am 14 weeks today. It was difficult to keep it a secret but their reactions were so worth it.