Annoying Girlfriend?

Diana • camila 💗

I got questions and I need help 😩 My current partner that I been dating on and off since 2012 main reason why we break up is because he cheats and I forgive him everytime 😔 That was before we had a baby, Now our girl is 2 years and he still has problems but not like before trying to act right. He dosent want to delete any of his exes on facebook. He flew out to Virgina to work and I used to call him everyday around 7 knowing he ate took a shower and rest so I wouldnt bother him when he was busy. Everytime I call him he allways asks why? Or is there a reason I call him. He says he loves me, tbh I dont even know what love feels anymore hes done so much and I just need some advice on what to do. Hes not a bad perosn hes just Idk 🤔🙄