Chlamydia + pregnancy

I’m so sorry it’s so long, but any advice from anyone who has been in this position would be so appreciated.

So a little back story: about 4 or 5 years ago I had a long term boyfriend who I found out had been cheating on me for at that point the last 9months of our relationship, I was devastated but went to go get bloods etc to make sure that his playing around didn’t cause me to contract any STD’s or STI’s. I went in for my results and sure enough I had contract Chlamydia which I did not have before we started dating as we both got checked and everything came back normal. Obviously I broke up with him as soon as I found out he cheated on me.

Now 4 years on and I am engaged to the most amazing, genuine, hardworking man. We have been together for 3 years almost. In late April this year we found out I was pregnant, we were shocked as I was on the pill, but we were so extremely excited. However at 6 weeks we lost our first little babe, I was not able to pas sit all myself so I had a D&C.; We were heart broken and decided to try again for a couple months but would stop eventually as we are due to marry in September next year.

On our very last month trying I fell pregnant again. We decided to play this one cool and only told our parents and no one else. I went for an appointment at what should have been 6 weeks, however our second little babe didn’t grow to much more than 3.5weeks. I miscarried the day after my appointment. Again we were heartbroken but decided to stop trying now and instead concentrate on having our big dream wedding and to go overseas for our honeymoon.

But I keep wondering, could it be due to previously having Chlamydia? I wish I had of known sooner so I could have fixed it but I was completely unaware of what my ex was up to.