started our journey about 15 months ago planning to have our second child

cheryl • Married and ready ready for our third baby
started our journey about 15 months ago planning to have our second child.. but nothing... it was so stressful and worse some days cause I made it to be a choir and that's when my cycle got short. but then I became pregnant. and was very happy but 4 weeks later I found out it was etoptic .. I cried but didn't give up yes I blamed myself and my husband due to aurging.. so it took three months to get back regulated.. after three months still nothing so a specialist was referred and we went in to check my tubes blood levels and physical and took vitamins and calcium pills due to being a anemic.. now three months into that I have finally missed af so that was my first sign due to my irregular cycles they never late but always early or some major sign till it drop like spotting or brown spotting.. so I took three test negative.. so OK still no aunt flow.. take another one.. nothing.. OK now I'm freaking.. so I wait a week still no af so I test yesterday and boom a vvvvfl doctor called blood test in the early am baby dust.