

So I went in on Friday, 23w+3d, and measured at 25weeks. I was told it was a mild case, 8cm deep. This was my second ultrasound since I also have a nice new ovarian cyst weighing in at 7cm x 5cm. So I will now be having a sonogram for every doctor appointment to monitor my amino fluid and ovarian cyst. Can’t wait for this to be over with. The midwife and the doctor have said this is nothing to worry about, but I can’t keep thinking that something is wrong or that I did something to cause this. I fear what birth will bring at this point if my amniotic fluid continues to increase, am I going to hemorrhage or be on bed rest. I have had a rough pregnancy and this is just adding. Sorry, I just needed to put this out there since my SO has been appropriately freaked (or scared s#*tless is more the theme) out about all the “what if’s” I tell him daily.