Anxiety/Depression during pregnancy


I know this topic is not the most glamorous but I'm writing this for some other mama who struggles every day to get out of bed and do the normal activities she has to do now with a little bean growin inside of them. I , like you, struggle with anxiety and depression and I work damn hard every day to make sure I am not letting it affect my growing baby. Some days I can see the beauty in all of this and some days I am overwhelmed by it. But either way I push forward. Past all of my own emotions to think of my unborn baby. Going off cold turkey from medicine that was just starting to help me cope, so that I can make the best choice for my baby. It is difficult but necessary. And I just wanted to encourage any other mom or mom to be that you are not alone. And to find hope in every day . It takes courage and strength to fight through. And you have it in you!