got my sign

Allie • Ttc #2 and step mom of 3 hoping for my rainbow baby after mc in June and March
All day I kept asking for a sign after taking a test and getting a bfn. Today marks 5 days late with a possible faint positive last night. I have been crampy on and off but not like af cramps. Called and made a appointment to confirm on the 25th and called back worried and asked if I could get labs done sooner so going tomorrow for blood work. I just feel pregnant but have a history of miscarriage. So me and SO were sitting out front on our porch talking and I stood up and had to cough and vomit came flying out all over the porch, not a lot, but didn’t feel it coming and didn’t feel like I had just thrown up after it happened. I laughed and looked at hubby and said there’s my sign! Fingers crossed for blood work tomorrow!