preemie 5 weeks adjusted age slept for more than 7 hrs through the night

our preemie born was born at 35 weeks and four days. he is 9 weeks now, actual age. before, he used to wake up every 2-3 hours during the night to feed but when he was 5 weeks actual, he started sleeping for 5 hours during the night but still wakes every 2-3 hours to feed during the day. I got worried because he also used to drink 100ml of milk and went down to 70ml because he is full. when we try to feed him 100ml, he vomits. we went to his clinic and the lactation nurse said that 70ml is just ok and the sleeping for 5 hours during the night was because he was starting to adjust already. she said that we should just enjoy it and wake DS up if he goes past 5hrs without feeding. he was like that for a few nights then went back to waking 2-3 hrs after his 2 month visit for his immunizations just last week. 2 nights ago, he slept for 6 hrs during the night before crying for his milk. last night I woke up, he wasn't crying yet, and when I looked at my phone for his last feeding it was 7 hrs 30 mins ago. I thought my husband fed him in between and just forgot to log the feed but he said he did not. is it ok for that age to be sleeping for that long or should we wake him up every 5 hrs still? he is already 10lbs which is double his weight when he was born.