1 year TTC - update



so still negative... I have tested twice. I keep needing to pee but I think it’s just a uti but my aunt told me that’s common in early pregnancy so maybe... I feel slightly nauseous.... but if I am not pregnant then we are going to put it to the side for now and focus on being hopeful foster parents. So I will finally have something to focus on. That too can be a extensive process but it’s something I have some control in. Prayers that something occurs!

Okay people I am posting again... it’s now been 1 year of TTC. I recently started a new medication to help control my blood glucose levels. I had hoped that since I finally had a positive ovulation test and had sex then that I would be pregnant this time. But period was due today and it was negative. :( I was really hoping that a day after my 1 year anniversary with my hubby that we would be celebrating today. That hasn’t happened.

I just sad from the constant late Period but negative results.

My husband wants to keep trying but to what end. How long should I keep at this? Better question is how long can I handle trying and trying again with negative results??

My dr said since I’m at a year it’s now time to talk to the gyno again because they can start testing and treatment. But isn’t that expensive and not covered by insurance?

Tips/ advice??

Who else here is in my shoes?