Dear Trump supporters why 😡

Thanks to your president Trump we could be heading for world war 3. What possessed you to vote for a man who is clearly a racist, sexist pig and a vile creature in general. Trump just doesn't know when to shut up. For the love of God republican can't be that stupid to constantly support this orange baboon. Does he realise you don't mess around with North Korea and Iran. This man is so unreasonable he wants to withdraw free contraception from women but at the same time you don't want women to have abortion. Trump won't talk about gun control but he is quick to talk about women's rights to not having a child. Dear Trump supporters you have made America into a laughing stock. You where once a nation to be proud of now you are a joke. I grateful to God my dad immigrated to a country who actually have some common and had a leader who doesn't use twitter every second of his life 😂😂🤣🤣